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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My ebook Sex & Cupcakes is only 99 cents today!

Thanks to my publisher Thought Catalog Books, there's a one-day sale: for just 99 cents, you get my 9-essay collection Sex & Cupcakes on Kindle (but you can also read it on your computer or phone so no worires if you don't have a Kindle). It's also coming out as an audiobook in 2015 but will surely be more than 99 cents. Sweetening the deal: my post about 10 crazy cupcakes I've seen in 10 years of cupcake blogging that went up yesterday for National Cupcake Day. Yum!

Here's the official blurb:
Sex and Cupcakes is a collection of essays from writer Rachel Kramer Bussel reflecting on her years as a sex columnist and cupcake blogger, detailing her dirty and sweet sides as well as sexual adventures, politics, heartbreak, tattoos and more. Sex and Cupcakes reveals the woman behind the stereotype, one far more complex than Carrie Bradshaw and her Manolos, a woman willing to expose herself, on paper and in the flesh, who takes risks and gets hurt and keeps on searching for love, sex, passion and happiness. Includes essays such as “I’m Pro-Choice and I F***,” “Wearing My Tattooed Heart On My Sleeve,” “My Boyfriend’s Fat,” “Champagne Sex,” and “Monogamishmash.”

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