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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Call for Submissions on gay marriage from Cleis Press

Just saw this poking around my publisher Cleis Press's site:

"A Movement Based on Love"
Call for Submissions on Gay and Lesbian Marriage

We at Cleis Press want to take positive action to raise awareness in the wake of the passage of Proposition 8 here in California. To that end, we are publishing a book (quickly!) to educate and inspire readers about this basic civil right. Our book will show many wonderful and moving examples of committed couples and enduring same-sex spouses and families.

Our aim is to send a powerful message to the public about this “movement based on love,” and to further galvanize what we see as the chief civil rights movement today. The proceeds will go to like-minded organizations, such as

We are requesting essays 3000 to 5000 words in length about your personal experiences of same-sex marriage. Did you have a church ceremony? Did the spouses have matching outfits? Was the whole family there? Were you able to legally marry at the time of your wedding? We want to hear from couples who have been through the legal roller coaster of gay and lesbian marriage.

Please send submissions by January 30, 2009 to:

Brenda Knight
Associate Publisher
Cleis Press & Viva Editions
bknight at

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