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Thursday, August 31, 2006


Originally uploaded by rkb1.
One of my greatest accomplishments this week has been something I'm sure even a monkey could do, but I'm slow and stubborn and so just now figured out how to make a set on Flickr. Expert more soon, including (finally!) my Costa Rica photos, but for now, here are a few photos from the Martha's Vineyard Agricultural Fair. These goats (they are goats, right?) were right next to me as I ate lunch. It was so strange to be back there as a real adult and realize that in a few years, hopefully, I will be bringing my own kids there.

I went to the fair every summer when I was little, and I thought it was the most exciting things. This year I was with a mishmash of family and went on a Ferris wheel and wandered around but didn't try to win any stuffed animals. We also saw a modified chainsaw competition (!) and there were these family friends and their high school-age kids and this girl asked me what college I go to. I was half flattered, half flustered, and responded, "I'm old, I'm 30." It was pretty funny. Now that I only have a little time left before I turn 31, I think I've finally settled into this age and I kindof like it. I am old, not in the my-life-is-over sense, but in the sense that I want totally different things than I did for most of my 20s. And maybe, just maybe, I'm going to get some of them.


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