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Sunday, January 29, 2006


I was going to say I've been a workaholic this weekend but that's not true. I took several naps yesterday and barely left the house, and missed a dirty old prom queen's party because I just couldn't get it together to go out. I kept falling asleep and then was really groggy. Sometimes I just am not feeling social and am utterly content to lie around in my sweatpants and just relax and not stress. I like getting up and having somewhere to go every day, but I think what tires me more than waking up early is the strain of getting on the subway, shoving your way on and trying to juggle all the bags I seem to be unable to go without.

But today I kindof made up for yesterday's inactivity by actually joining and going to the gym, doing a little bit of writing/reading submissions, and kicking ass in Scrabble and Boggle. Also finished reading a silly but fun book called Chore Whore: Adventures of a Celebrity Personal Assistant by Heather H. Howard, a roman a clef that was the perfect book to finish while on the treadmill - a very fast-paced read with a teensy bit of identity politics thrown in as well that I wasn't expecting. I'm midway through M.J. Rose's The Delilah Complex and have to finish to see whodunnit, plus so I can finish up my interview questions for her.

I haven't been to any of the bars in the Voice's Overpriced Cocktail Hall of Shame, but I like how they ran out of money and are looking for more suggestions.

Found Hollywood Is Talking (which I initially thought was called Hollywood Stalking, which I like even better than the real thing) cause they plugged the fabulous The Pleasure's All Mine: Memoir of a Professional Submissive by Joan Kelly, who I interviewed for my next Voice column and who's reading February 21st at Coliseum Books. HIT led me to Date Number One, an indie movie about first dates, and the blog by its creator.


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